Little Deer

Not everything you build has to be useful, sometimes you just need to make a silly thing because it makes you happy. This is one of those.

I’ve been working on learning more Go and also some game development concepts. I’ve made a few tiny games and have some bigger ideas in the works, but my favorite thing I’ve made recently has to be this little deer project.

Inspired by the classic neko this little deer is a desktop toy made with Ebitengine she follows your mouse appearing on top of your other applications and has idle animations.

Whats Next For The Deer?

  • More animation variety!
  • A basket of treats so you can feed the deer!
  • Optional Sounds, listen to the deer munch “grass” and treats

Art Credit

The deer was created by “Seliel the Shaper” for their ManaSeed series of game assets and was purchased on for use in this project.

Get The Deer

You can find the code for the deer on github

git clone [email protected]:lora-reames/deer.git
cd deer
go run main.go